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It consists of a spacious body, and a
light tower divided into four stages,
whence rises a tall spire.
The advowson of this church was an-
ciently in the Prior and Canons of St.
Mary Overie's, but it afterwards came to
Sir Nicholas Crispe, in whose family it
may perhaps still remain. On the present
edifice being built, the parish of St. Mar-
garet Moses was annexed to it. The
Rector, besides his other profits, receives
130l. per annum in lieu of tithes.
St. MILDRED'S POULTRY, at the corner of
Scalding alley, in Cheap ward. A church
of the same name stood in this place before
the year 1325; but the last edifice shar-
ing the fate of most of the other public
buildings at the fire of London, this was
built in its room.
It is a plain, substantial stone building,
enlightened by a series of large windows,
and strengthened with rustic at the cor-
ners. The tower is crowned with a
plain course, without either pinacles, tur-
ret, or any other ornament.
The patronage of this church was in
the Prior and Canons of St. Mary Overie's
in Southwark, till their suppression; and
it has ever since been in the King's gift.
After its being rebuilt, the parish of St.
Mary Cole was annexed to it, by which
| | the |
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the profits of the Rector were considerably
increased. Besides his other profits, he
receives 170l. a year in lieu of tithes.
MILE END, so called from its being a mile
from Aldgate, is situated near Stepney, in
the road to Bow. Here anciently stood
a Lazaretto, or hospital of lepers, deno-
minated the house of our Saviour Jesus
Christ, and Mary Magdalene, to whom
Edward VI. granted letters patent, allow-
ing them to beg for their support.
MILE END OLD TOWN, near Stepney.
MILE'S lane, 1. By Crooked lane. 2.
New Fish street.
MILE'S rents, 1. Dog lane, Barnaby street.
2. Powell's alley, Beech lane, Whitecross
MILFORD lane, extends from the Strand to
the Thames.
MILFORD stairs, at the bottom of Milford
MILITARY mews, Prince's street, Soho.
MILK alley, 1. Dean street, Soho. 2, Long
Ditch, Westminster. 3. Milk yard, near
Gravel lane. 4. Peter street, Clare mar-
ket. 5. Wapping. 6. Winchester yard,
Winchester street.
MILK street, Cheapside; so called from a
market for milk formerly kept there.
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