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This page continues the article entitled Lord Mayor, which started on Page 308.
The next article is entitled Lord Mayor's Court, and starts on Page 312.
310M A Y
and about noon proceed from thence in
their coaches to the Three Cranes stairs,
where the Lord Mayor, the Lord Mayor
elect, the Aldermen, Recorder, and She-
riffs, go on board the city barge, and at-
tended by the several city companies in
their several barges, adorned with flags
and pendants, proceed by water to West-
minster, where his Lordship having taken
the oaths prescribed, returns in the
same pompous manner to Black Friars
stairs, whence the livery of many of the
city companies, preceded by colours and
bands of music, march to their stands,
which are erected on both sides the streets
through which his Lordship is to pass.
The Lord Mayor being at length land-
ed at Black Friars, he is preceded by the
Artillery company, which is followed by
the company of which the Lord Mayor is
free.  After them follow several others
with their music, flags, and streamers,
and among the rest the armourers have a
person riding on horseback, completely
dressed in polished armour.  At length
march the Lord Mayor's domestics and
servants, followed by his Lordship in the
coach of state, and after him come the
Aldermen, Recorder, Sheriffs, Chamber-
lain, Common Serjeant, Town Clerk, &c.
their several coaches and chariots, and
M A Y311
in this manner proceed to Guildhall, where
a noble entertainment is provided, as there
is also for the several Companies at their
respective halls.
The power of this great officer is at pre-
sent much more considerable than it was for-
merly, for he is not only the King's represen-
tative in the civil government of the city,
but also First Commissioner of the lieute-
nancy, perpetual Coroner and Escheator
within the city and liberties of London and
the borough of Southwark; Chief Justice
of oyer, terminer and goal-delivery of
Newgate; Judge of the court of ward-
mote at the election of Aldermen; Con-
servator of the rivers Thames and Med-
way; so that if any citizen or apprentice
of London be carried away, and by force
detained on ship-board, he can, by his
warrant, compel the Captain or Master of
such vessel to release such citizen: he is
also perpetual Commissioner in all affairs
relating to the river Lea, and chief Butler
of the kingdom at all coronations, when
his fee for that service is a gold cup and
cover, with a golden ewer.
The Lord Mayor upon public occasions
wears either scarlet or purple robes richly
furred, with a velvet hood and gold chain
or collar of SS.  When he goes abroad in
his state coach, the Mace-bearer sits upon
X 4a stool