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This page continues the article entitled Magdalen House, which started on Page 224.
The next article is entitled St. Magnus's Church, and starts on Page 238.
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VI.  There are two Physicians, two
Surgeons, and three Apothecaries, who
are required to behave with the utmost
humanity and prudence.  One of each is
to attend the committee, and make weekly
reports.  They are all to attend in their
own persons, and no pupil, apprentice, or
servant, shall at any time be admitted into
the wards; and even when the Physicians,
Surgeons, and Apothcaries visit the wards,
they shall be attended by the matron.
VII.  The Matron is to direct the œco-
nomy of the house, and constantly to re-
side in it.  She is to see that all the wo-
men are neat and decent in their cloaths
and persons, and properly employed; that
they discharge their duty, and constantly
attend divine service: she is to receive
from the steward the materials for their
work, and deliver it back to him.  She
is to take care of the houshold linen, and
what belongs to the cloathing: to require
from the steward such provisions as are
necessary for the house, and to see that
they are not given away or wasted.  She
is to keep the keys of the outward doors,
which are to be delivered into her hands
after the doors are locked, at seven in the
winter, and nine in the summer; and she
is to take care that the rules of the house
be strictly observed, with regard to the
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time of rest, diet, hours of devotion, and
every thing that relates to good order.
VIII.  The Secretary is to keep the
books, take minutes at all meetings, to
collect the annual subscriptions, and to
give notice to such subscribers as are more
than one year in arrears, &c.
IX.  The Steward is to reside constantly
in the house, and to follow no other em-
ployment than what relates to this charity.
He is to receive the respective provisions
and materials for the employment of the
women, ordered by the committee, and
inspect the weight, measures and quality
thereof, and to make regular entries of
them; to keep an exact account of all the
work done by every respective woman, as
the matron shall deliver it to him.
X.  The Porter is not to receive any
letter, message, or other thing into the
house, or send out any thing without the
knowledge or inspection of the matron:
he is to reside in the house, and strictly to
observe the instructions that shall be given
him, in regard to visitors, letters, &c.
XI.  The Messenger is also to dwell in
the house, and to be employed in errands,
and out-doors business: but he is not to
bring any letter, verbal message, or other
thing into the house, or to carry out any

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