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that expence: but the number of these in
the house are not to exceed twenty.
An abstract of the rules with respect to the
Governors, &c.
I. Every person paying twenty guineas
or upwards, or paying five guineas, and
signing an agreement to pay the same
sum for the four next succeeding years, is
admitted a Governor, except all persons
acting as Physician, Surgeon, Apothecary,
or Secretary to this hospital, (other than
the six Apothecaries declared Governors at
the general meeting held on the 29th of
June 1750.)
II. For transacting the business of this
hospital, a general court is held twice
every year, viz. on the second Wednesday
in the months of February and August,
and at such general courts as are herein
after mentioned, and every general court
consists of nine Governors.
III. At the general court held annually
on the second Wednesday in the month
of February, one President, four Vice-
Presidents, a Treasurer, a general Com-
mittee, Physician, Surgeon, Apothecary,
and Secretary, are elected for the year en-
suing. And no person acting as Physician,
Surgeon, or Apothecary to any other hos-
pital or infirmary, can be Physician, Sur-
geon, or Apothecary to this hospital.
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IV. All questions are determined by the
majority of Governors present, on holding
up of hands, or by a division, or by a bal-
lot, in case it is required by seven or more
Governors before a division is begun; and
in all cases of an equality of votes, the
person presiding for the time being has the
casting vote. In all debates the person
speaking stands up, and addresses himself
to the chair, and no person is to speak
more than once to the same question
without leave.
V. At the general court to be held an-
nually on the second Wednesday in Au-
gust, a special committee of seven Go-
vernors, who are not of the general com-
mittee, are appointed to audit and ex-
amine the several accounts relating to this
hospital, and report their opinion of such
accounts to the general court held on the
second Wednesday in February following.
VI. The President has power to order
special general courts to be summoned as
often as he thinks necessary: and, upon
every vacancy in the office of Treasurer,
Physician, Surgeon, Apothecary, or Secre-
tary, a general court is summoned to meet,
in order to fill up the vacancy. But no
person is intitled to vote at such general
court, unless he has paid his subscription
VOL. IV. | P | money |