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This page continues the article entitled London Assurance, which started on Page 118.
The next article is entitled London Bridge, and starts on Page 125.
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as far as 2000l. at the rate of 14s. per
for the like term of seven years, with-
out subjecting the assured to any calls or
contributions to make good losses.
III.  Assurances on buildings and goods,
are deemed distinct and separate adven-
tures; so that the premium on goods is
not advanced by reason of any assurance
on the building wherein the goods are
kept, nor the premium on the building
by reason of any assurance on the goods.
IV.  Timber or plaister buildings co-
vered with slate, tile, or lead, wherein no
hazardous trades are carried on, nor any
hazardous goods deposited: and goods or
merchandize not hazardous, in such build-
ings, are termed Hazardous assurances, and
assured as follows; any sum not exceeding
200l. at 6s. per annum: any sum above
200l. and not exceeding 1000l. at 3s.
per cent. per annum: any sum above 1000l.
and not exceeding 2000l. at 4s. per cent.
per annum:
and any sum above 2000l.
and not exceeding 3000l. at 5s. per cent.
per annum.
V.  Hazardous trades, such as apothe-
caries, bread and bisket bakers, colour-
men, ship and tallow-chandlers, inn-
holders and stable-keepers, carried on in
brick or stone buildings, covered with
slate, tile, or lead; and hazardous goods,
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such as hemp, flax, pitch, tar, tallow, and
turpentine, deposited in such buildings,
may be assured at the annual premiums,
set down under the head of hazardous as-
surances, in the above article.
VI.  Any of the above hazardous trades
carried on, or hazardous goods deposited
in timber or plaister buildings; earthen,
glass, and china ware, in trade; and
thatched buildings, or goods therein, are
termed Double hazardous assurances, and
may be assured upon the following con-
ditions: any sum not exceeding 200l. at
10s. per annum: any sum above 200l.
and not exceeding 1000l. at 5s. per cent.
per annum:
and any sum above 1000l.
and not exceeding 2000l. at 7s. 6d. per
cent. per annum.
VII.  Deal yards, also chymists, distil-
lers, sugar-bakers, malsters, or any other
assurances more than ordinarily hazardous,
by reason of the trade, nature of the
goods, narrowness of the place, or other
dangerous circumstances, may be made
by special agreement.
VIII.  Two dwelling-houses, or any one
dwelling-house, and the out-houses there-
unto belonging, or any one dwelling-
house and goods therein, may be included
in the sum of 200l.  But when several
buildings, or buildings and goods, are as-