corded, and remain an established custom
to all futurity.
3. The Lord Mayor and Aldermen are
for ever exempted from serving in all fo-
reign assizes, juries, or attaints, and from
the offices of assessor, collector of taxes,
overseer, or comptroller of all public duties
without the jurisdiction of the city.
4. The citizens are allowed the privi-
lege of holding an annual fair in the bo-
rough of Southwark, together with a
court of Pye-powder, with the rights and
customs thereto belonging, &c. all at the
ancient fee farm of 10l. per annum.
Afterwards, in the year 1479, the city
gave the same Prince 1923l. 19s. 8d. for
the liberty of purchasing lands, &c. in
mortmain, to the value of 200 marks per
annum; and also purchased of the King,
for 7000l. the offices of package, portage,
garbling, gauging, wine-drawer and coro-
ner, to be enjoyed by them and their suc-
cessors for ever.
In the same year, a dreadful pestilence
raged in London, which swept away an
incredible number of people.
On the death of Edward IV. the Duke
of Buckingham strove in vain to make
the citizens join in raising the Duke of
Gloucester to the throne, to the prejudice