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64C A N
CANONBURY, vulgarly called CAMBRAY
House, formerly belonged to the Prior
and Canons of St. Bartholomew in Smith-
field.  It is pleasantly situated on a beau-
tiful eminence on the east side of Is-
lington, and commands three delight-
ful prospects to the east, north, and
CANONS of St. Paul's.  These Canons or
Prebendaries, who are 30 in number,
with the Bishop of London at their
head, compose the Chapter, which has
the management of the affairs of this ca-
thedral; these canonries are in the col-
lation of the Bishop, and are as follows.
1. Bromesbury, in the parish of Willesden,
Middlesex.  2. Brownswood, in the same
parish.  3. Cadington Major, in the ma-
nor of Astonbury, Bedfordshire.  4. Ca-
dington Minor
, in the parish of Cading-
ton, Bedfordshire.  5. Chamberlain's-
, in the parish of Willesden, Mid-
dlesex.  6. Chiswick, in the county of
Middlesex.  7. Consumpt. per Mare, a
prebend in the parish of Walton, or
Waltome, on the coast of Essex, which
being overflowed by the sea, before the
conquest, the present name serves only to
perpetuate the remembrance of that fa-
tal catastrophe.  8. Eald Street, or Old
C A N65
Street, in Shoreditch parish.  9. Eald-
, in the parish of Tillingham, Essex.
10. Holiwell, alias Finsbury, in the pa-
rishes of St. Giles Cripplegate, and
Shoreditch.  11. Harleston, in the parish
of Willesdon, Middlesex.  12. Holborn,
in the suburbs of London.  13. Hoxton,
in the parish of Shoreditch.  14. Isling-
, in the county of Middlesex.  15. Ken-
, in the parish of St. Pancras.
16. Mapelsbury, in the parish of Willes-
don.  17. Mora, in the parish of St.
Giles Cripplegate.  18. Neasdon, in the
parish of Willesdon.  19. Oxgate, in the
same parish.  20. St. Pancras, in Mid-
dlesex.  21. Portpool, in the parish of
St. Andrew Holborn.  22. Reculvar-
, in the parish of Tillingham, Essex.
23. Rougemere, in the parish of Pancras.
24. Sneating, in the parish of Kirkeby,
Essex.  25. Stoke Newington, Middle-
sex.  26. Totenhall or Totenham Court,
in the parish of St. Pancras.  27. Twy-
, in the parish of Willesdon, Mid-
dlesex.  28. Wenlakesbarn, in the parish
of St. Giles Cripplegate.  29. Wildland,
in the parish of Tillingham, Essex.
30. Willesdon, in the county of Middle-
sex.  Newc. Repert.
The petty Canons who are twelve in
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