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This page continues the article entitled British Museum, which started on Page 15.
The next article is entitled Briton's alley, and starts on Page 32.
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the said officer, what book or manuscript
he will be desirous of perusing the fol-
lowing day; which book or manuscript on
such request, will be lodged in some con-
venient place in the said room, and will
from thence be delivered to him by the
officer of the said room: excepting how-
ever some books or manuscripts of great
value, or very liable to be damaged, and
on that account judged by the Trustees
not fit to be removed out of the library
to which they belong; without particu-
lar leave obtained, of the Trustees, in a
general meeting, or a standing Com-
mittee, for that purpose; a catalogue
whereof will be kept by the officer of
the reading room.
IV.  That such persons be allowed to
take one or more extracts from any
printed book or manuscrpt; and that
either of the officers of the department
to which such printed book or manu-
script belongs, be at liberty to do it for
them, upon such terms, as shall be a-
greed on between them.
V.  That the transcriber do not lay the
paper, on which he writes, upon any
part of the book, or manuscript, he is
VI.  That no whole manuscript, nor
B R I27
the greater part of any, be transcribed,
without leave from the Trustees, in a
general meeting, or standing Committee.
VII.  That every person so intrusted
with the use of any book, or manuscript,
return the same to the officer attending,
before he leaves the room.
VIII.  That if any person engaged in
a work of learning, have occasion to
make a drawing of any thing contained
in the department of natural and arti-
ficial productions, or to examine it more
carefully than can be done in the com-
mon way of viewing the Museum; he
is to apply to the Trustees in a general
meeting, or the standing Committee,
for particular leave for that purpose: it
not being thought proper, unless in par-
ticular cases, to have them removed
from their places, and out of the sight
of the officer who has the care of them.
IX.  That whensoever, and as often
as any person shall have occasion to con-
sult or inspect any book, charter, deed,
or other manuscript for evidence or in-
formation, other than for studying, which
is herein before provided for; he is to
apply for leave so to do, to the Trustees
in a general meeting, or the standing
Committee.  But if the case should re-