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This page continues the article entitled British Museum, which started on Page 15.
The next article is entitled Briton's alley, and starts on Page 32.
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to be kept by the porter.  And the por-
ter is to lay such register every night be-
fore the principal Librarian; or, in his
absence, before the under Librarian,
who shall officiate as Secretary for the
time being; or, in his absence, before
one of the under Librarians; to the end
that the principal or under Librarian
may be informed, whether the persons
so applying be proper to be admitted ac-
cording to the regulations made, or to
be made, by the Trustees for that pur-
pose.  And if he shall judge them pro-
per, he shall direct the porter to deliver
tickets to them, according to their re-
quest, on their applying a second time
for the said tickets.
IV.  That no more than ten tickets
be delivered out for each hour of admit-
tance, which tickets, when brought by
the respective persons therein named,
are to be shewn to the porter; who is
thereupon to direct them to a proper
room appointed for their reception, till
their hour of seeing the Museum be
come, at which time they are to deliver
their tickets to the proper officer of the
first department: and that five of the
persons producing such tickets be at-
tended by the under Librarian, and the
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other five by the assistant in each de-
V.  That the said number of tickets
be delivered for the admission of com-
pany at the hours of nine, ten, eleven,
and twelve respectively in the morning;
and for the hours of four and five in the
afternoon of those days in which the
Museum is to be open at that time: and
that if application be made for a greater
number of tickets, the persons last apply-
ing be desired to name some other day
and hour, which will be most convenient
to them.
VI.  That if the number of persons
producing tickets for any particular
hour does not exceed five, they be de-
sired to join in one company; which
may be attended either by the under
Librarian, or assistant, as shall be agreed
on between them.
VII.  That if any persons having ob-
tained tickets, be prevented from mak-
ing use of them, they be desired to send
them back to the porter in time; that
other persons wanting to see the Mu-
seum may not be excluded.
VIII.  That the spectators may view
the whole Museum in a regular order,
they are first to be conducted through
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