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This page concludes the article entitled Belvedere House, which started on Page 271.
It is followed by the article entitled Bembridge's rents, on this page.
Two fine bas relievos in brass, one
Bacchus and Ariadne, the other
Ceres teaching Triptolemus the use
of the plough
 by Soldani.
In the Saloon.
The conception, painted for an altar
piece     -     -     -     -     -     -     -
7 8 7 8  Murillo.
The flight into Egypt, its companion  Ditto.
Vulcan, Venus, Cupid, and sundry
figures, an emblematic subject
5 6 8 4  Tintoret.
Mars and Venus     -     -     -     -     - 5 8 4 3  P. Veronese.
Christ among the Doctors     -     - 5 2 6 6  L. Giordano.
Duke of Buckingham's mistress, her
three children, and a son of Rubens
5 8 5 6  by himself.
A landskip     -    -     -     -     -     -     - 4 10 6 2  Claude.
Leopold's gallery     -     -     -     -     -
Teniers, own gallery, its companion
3 2 4 2  Teniers.
B E N275
Bembridge's rents, Moor lane, Moor-
Bembridge street, St Giles's pound.†
Ben court, Grub street.†
Benjamin street.  1. Cow cross.†  2.
Longditch, Westminster.†  3. Red-
lion street, Clerkenwell.†  4. Swallow-
St. Bennet Fink, was dedicated to St.
Benedict, vulgarly called St. Bennet, an
Italian saint, the founder of the order of
Benedictine monks; and received the ad-
dictional name of Fink from its rebuilder
Robert Fink.  It is situated on the south
side of Thread-needle-street.  The old
church being destroyed in the general
conflagration in 1666, the present edi-
fice was erected in its room.  The body
is of an irregular form, enlightened by
large arched windows, which reach to
the roof; this is incompassed with a
balustrade, and crowned with a lantern:
a dome rises upon the whole extent of
the tower, and on its top rises a turret.
This church is a curacy in the patro-
nage of the Dean and Chapter of Wind-
sor, who generally supply it with one of
their own Canons.  The Curate receives
100l. a year in lieu of tithes.
T 2St.