224 | A U S | |
confirmed it to the Dutch, by whom it
is still used as a place of divine worship.
It is a large and spacious Gothic edifice,
supported by two rows of stone pillars.
At the east end are several steps, which
lead to a large platform, on which is
placed a long table with seats against the
wall, and forms round, for the use of
the Holy Communion, and the windows
on one side have painted on them in se-
veral places, the words Jesus Temple.
On the west end over the screen is a
library, thus inscribed, Ecclesæ Londi-
n0-Belgiæ Bibliotheca, extructa sumpti-
bus Mariæ Dubois 1659. It contains
several valuable manuscripts, among
which are the letters of Calvin, Peter
Martyr, and other foreign reformers.
St. Austin's Church, at the north-west
corner of Watling street, in the ward of
Faringdon within, was dedicated to St.
Austin the monk, the English Apostle.
The old church having suffered in the
dreadful conflagration in 1666, has been
rebuilt, and the parish of St. Faith uni-
ted to it. It is a rectory, and the ad-
vowson is in the Dean and Chapter of St.
Paul's. The Rector receives 172l. per
annum in lieu of tithes.
| | Austin |
| B A C | 225 |
Austin street, in Castle street, near Shore-
Ax alley, Leadenhall street.*
Ax yard. 1. King's street, Westminster.* 2
Norfolk street in the Strand.* 3 Little
Britain.* 4 Blackman street.* 5 King's
street, Blackman street.*
Ax and Bottle yard, St. Margaret's hill.*
Ayloffe street, Goodman's Fields.†
Ayre's Almshouse, in White's alley,
Coleman street, was founded by Mr.
Christopher Ayre, Merchant, for six
poor men and their wives, who com-
mitted it to the care of the Leather-sel-
lers company, who annually pay each
couple 4l.
Bab's alley, Mint street, Southwark.†
Bab's mays, or mews, Jermain street.†
Back alley. 1. Back hill, Hatton wall.§
2. Back hill, Southwark.§ 3. Bear al-
ley, Fleet ditch.§ 4 Bowling alley,
Westminster.§ 5 Bridge yard, Tooley
street.§ 6 St. Catharine's lane.§ 7
Church lane, Tooley street.§ 8 Church
lane, Whitechapel.§ 9 Churchyard al-
ley, Tooley street.§ 10 Cloth fair, West
Vol. I. | Q | Smithfield. |