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twelve years of age; but infirm chil-
dren are not admitted, as the objects of
this charity are to be constantly em-
ployed in every branch of good house-
X. Each object applying for admis-
sion, must produce such certificate of
her age and necessity, as shall be satis-
factory to the Guardians then present;
and in all cases, wherein, during the in-
fancy of this Asylum, more objects shall
apply for admission than the Asylum
can at once receive, the names of the
objects not admitted are entered in a
book kept for that purpose, and a no-
tice is sent to the persons, signifying the
certificate of each child, of the first op-
portunity of taking in such children
that shall happen afterwards; in filling
up all which, the children, before re-
fused, have the preference as they stand
upon the entry: each of the above cer-
tificates must be signed by two substan-
tial housekeepers, of the parish where
the objects resides.
XI. The children are regularly and
alternately employed in reading, knit-
ting, sewing, and in the business of the
kitchen, to which latter employment
| | four |
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four are appointed weekly, to be with
the cook, to assist her, and to receive
from her the necessary instructions in
plain cookery, curing provisions, and
other employments of the kitchen. They
likewise make the beds, clean the rooms,
assist in washing, and ironing the lin-
nen, and in other houshold business, ac-
cording to their respective ages and a-
bilities, at the discretion of the matron.
XII. The Chaplain on Sundays preaches,
and performs the other parts of divine
service, and catechises the children.
Prayers also are read on the other days
of the week, by the matron or teacher;
and some portion of scripture is read by
those of the children who are best able.
They have also, each of them, a com-
mon prayer book, and the new testa-
ment; and other good books are like-
wise provided for them.
The number of children in the house
in April 1759, were forty-two, and
the sums raised for the support of this
charitable foundation, at the same time,
amounted to 2032l. 4s. 9d.
Audley's rents, Whitecross street.†
Audley street, Grosvenor square.†
| | Ave- |