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whose income is subject to be determined
or diminished at their respective deaths,
who by insuring their lives by means of
this Society, may now in all events leave
to their families a claim, or right, to re-
ceive a sum not less than 125l. for every
five pounds annually paid in, and very
probably a larger sum, as appears by the
above accounts.
To married persons, more especially
where a jointure, pension, or annuity
depends on both or either of their lives,
by insuring the life of the persons in-
titled to such annuity, pension or join-
To dependents upon any other per-
son intitled to a salary, benefaction, or
other means of subsistence, during the
life of such person, whose life being in-
sured in this society, either by them-
selves, or by the person upon whom
they are dependent, will intitle them to
receive upon the death of such person,
a sum not less than 125l. for each num-
ber so insured.
To persons wanting to borrow mo-
ney, who by insuring their lives, are
enabled to give a collateral security for
the money borrowed.
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| A M I | 167 |
To creditors intitled to demands larger
than their debtors are able to discharge,
such debtors may, by a like insurance, se-
cure to their creditors their principal
sums at their deaths.
The abovementioned advantages are
chiefly with respect to perpetual insur-
ances for life; but temporary insurers
may find no less advantage from this So-
ciety, as may plainly appear from the fol-
lowing instance, viz. A. B. has agreed
for the purchase of an office or employ-
ment, but wants 300l. or 400l. to make
up the purchase-money: he is willing
to assign a share of the profits or income
of his office, as a security or pledge for
the repayment of the principal with in-
terest, but cannot obtain a loan of that
sum without insuring his life till the
whole be cleared, which he is enabled
to do by the help of this Society. For
example; He purchases three numbers,
on each of which he insures his life, and
thereby his assigns become intitled to
three several claims at his death; which
claims, by the abovementioned provision,
will not be less than 125l. each, and may
probably amount to more: he assigns and
deposits his policy with the lender: he
| M 4 | pays |