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joint or transferable stock, or borrow
money on their common seal. That the
persons trading or intending to trade to
Africa, should pay to the Chamberlain
of London, the Clerk of the Merchants-
hall in Bristol, or the Town Clerk of Liver-
pool, 40s. each for the freedom of the new
company. That the management of the
affairs of this new company, should be
under the direction of a committee of
nine persons, to be chosen annually, three
out of the members in the city of Lon-
don, three out of those of Bristol, and
three out of those of Liverpool. That
this committee should have power to
make orders for the government and im-
provement of the forts and factories; to
appoint governors, and other officers civil
and military; to receive annually the
sum of 40s. and to take a list of the names
of all the persons making payment.
It is also enacted, that the committee
shall once a year give an account of all
their transactions to the Commissioners for
trade and plantations, and likewise lay
before the Cursitor Baron of the Exchequer,
an account, upon oath, of all the money
they have received within the preced-
ing year, and the application thereof;
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| A L B | 139 |
and the Lords of the Admiralty are to
give instructions to the Captains of such
of his Majesty's ships of war as shall
be stationed or ordered to cruize within
the above limits, to inspect, and make
report to them from time to time of
the state of the forts and settlements,
copies of which are to be laid before
the parliament every sessions.
This is the state at present of this
company, who keep their office in
Cooper's court, Cornhill.
Agnes court, Little George street.
St. Agnes le Clare fields, near Hoxton,
so called from a spring of water dedicated
to that Saint, and now converted into a
cold bath.
Ailsbury court, George street.
Ailsbury street, 1. By Jermyn street.
2. St. John's street, Clerkenwell green.
Ainger street, York street. †
Air street, 1. Piccadilly. † 2. By Mary la
bone. † 3. Leather lane. †
Akersley yard, Great St. Anne's street. †
Alam yard, Crutched Friars.
St. Alban's, a large and very ancient
town in Hertfordshire, 21 miles from
London, was so called from St. Alban,
who suffered in the persecution under
| | Dioclesian |