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and instruments of fortification, alluding
to the employments of the deceased; who
was chief engineer to the royal train of ar-
tillery, and, as his inscription informs us,
learned the art of war under the great Duke
of Marlborough.  He died May 10 1743.
46.  The monument of Sir Godfrey
Kneller, Knt. has a bust of Sir Godfrey
under a canopy of state, the curtains of
which are gilt and tied with golden strings,
and on each side the bust is a weeping Cupid,
one resting on a framed picture, the other
holding a painter's pallat and pencils.  This
monument is not however much esteemed.
On the pedestal is a Latin inscription,
signifying that Sir Godfrey Kneller, Knt.
who lies interred here, was painter to
King Charles II. King James II. King
William III. Queen Anne, and King
George I.  Underneath is his epitaph
written by Mr. Pope, which has been also
much censured:

    Kneller! by Heav'n, and not a master taught!
    Whose art was nature, and whose pictures thought;
    Now for two ages having snatch'd from fate
    Whate'er was beauteous, or whate'er was great,
    Rests crown'd with Princes' honours, Poets' lays,
    Due to his merit, and brave thirst of praise.

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    Living, great Nature fear'd he might outvie
    Her works; and dying, fears herself may die.

47.  We come now to the monument of
Anna Countess Dowager of Clanrikard,
which is adorned with excellent carving,
and a fine statue of that Lady resting upon
a tomb.  The inscription gives an account
of her descent, marriages, and issue, and
informs us, that she died on the 14th of
January 1732, in the 49th year of her age.
48.  The monument of John Woodward,
M. D. is a very beautiful one, and the
figures most admirably finished.  The head
of the deceased is represented in profile, in
a very masterly manner, and the Lady who
holds it is inimitably performed.  The in-
scription contains a panegyric on the parts
and learning of the deceas'd.
49.  A neat plain monument erected to
the memory of Heneage Twisden, a young
hero, who fell in the battle of Blairgnies
in Hainault, while he was Aid de Camp to
John Duke of Argyle, who commanded
the right wing of the Confederate army.
He was the seventh son of Sir William
Twisden, Bart. and a youth of the greatest
expectations; but the fortune of war put a
stop to his rising merit, in 1709, and in
the 29th year of his age.